Who We Are
Trinity Place is a boutique department store which dedicates the entire first floor to the sales of upscale Women’s Fashion and Fashion Accessories designed and Made in the USA.
We represent up-and coming exciting new designers as well as well-known and established designers.
Many of our designers are based right here in New York City, and are often in the store to meet clients such as yourself.

In our store in Lower Manhattan, wherever new opportunities arise, Trinity Department Store works tirelessly to give customers the most compelling shopping experience possible for innovative designs and USA-made fashions. The one constant is our Owner’s founding Philosophy: To offer the customer the best possible service, style, selection, quality, convenience, and value.
We use professional models for our online and print marketing material. We are however also committed to discovering young and talented models and we offer the opportunity to meet our team and explore the individual potential.
Photography for Trinity Place Department Stores is shot in New York. If you are interested in modeling, marketing or managing, please contact us for opportunities at info@trinitypl.com.

Why Shop From Us
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Lorem Ipsum hasbeen standard daand scrambled. Rimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry
Lorem Ipsum hasbeen standard daand scrambled. Rimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry
We Deliver Genuine Products
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